I have a friend who is gay - he is a such a good guy and I enjoy his friendship. He has sent me a few e-mails urging no on 8. He mentions that he knows I'm probably on the opposite side of the issue. I'm glad he feels he can express his feelings to me, so I took a deep breath and sent him why I'm voting Yes on 8. Thankfully he was respectful and still treats me with kindness as I do him. Here is what I sent, it sums up why I don't feel I can stay silent on this issue.
Dear ______,
I appreciate you sharing your views with me. This is such a tricky election in so many ways. The bottom line is that you know me and you know that I love and care for you and that has nothing to do with our sexual preferences. There are crazies on both sides of every issue and then there are good people who do the best they can to do what they think is right. Basic to my core beliefs are agency and love - in a very literal way I believe we are brothers and sisters and we are on the planet to care for each other.
Here's a peek into my beliefs - I believe in sexual abstinence outside the covenant of marriage. I believe marriage is ordained by God as being between a man and a woman. I believe God speaks to a prophet today as he did in the Bible, why would we be less blessed than those people. I believe happiness is most likely to be found in living as closely to God's commandments as we can based on our understanding through prayer and study.
The highest commandment is love so you will never find me using hate speech or knowingly offend those who don't agree with me. I do however expect that my voice will not be silenced by those who disagree - that's why I appreciate knowing you. We can disagree and still retain mutual respect and friendship. That's what God's people would do until He comes and sorts out all the "stuff" we've messed up. My life is richer because I know you and I count it a blessing that our paths have crossed. I wish you only the best.