Monday, November 10, 2008

Expecting week by week #10

After dropping Steven at the MTC we stopped by the BYU bookstore and found these darling shirts
Jim was happy to join in the fun!
Isn't that a cute little bump? I resisted the urge to pat Liz' belly - whe says everyone at work does it already. When you're pregnant your belly belongs to the world...
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CA Poppy said...

The shirts are adorable and so is her bump.

Shelli Snyder said...

Ooh, I know ... I HATE it when people pat my tummy. Um, excuse me, that's my body you're touching. Back off!! But I'm excited Liz is getting one ... I felt very official when that started happening. :) We're so excited for them and their babies!

April J. said...

You probably have all kinds of ideas for pregnancy week by week gift...I remember Holly getting some cute Mary Jane Socks and I saw these and thought of JD They are cowboy boots! I can't wait to see what the kiddos get each week.