Monday, June 1, 2009

My Life 6-1-09

Outside - It's overcast and breezy - strange for June 1st - also there are dead tomato plants on the patio table...sad but true...
From the Kitchen - brown rice is cooking for a quick warm up in the microwave for dinner - the rest will be frozen for another day.
From the Reading Room - I've been reading about camera lenses, just ordered a new one - it's all about the baby pictures.
I'm wondering - How easily Dave and I will agree on carpet...
I'm wearing - Jeans and a black turtleneck
I'm hoping - I can get the grandkid room cleaned out, painted etc. before the families come for the baby blessing. I work well with a deadline! Pictures to follow!
I'm praying - We'll paint the family room before we get new carpet - not really praying for that... praying that life continues to be so wonderful!
I'm hearing - Dr. Laura on the radio.
My Favorite thing - No question Holly and J.D. right along side my kids - plenty of love to go around.
A few plans for the week - picking out carpet, painting, cleaning...


CA Poppy said...

Sorry about the tomato plants, if I was there I would have put them in for you. You're a great photographer~they say the key to great photos is being in love with the subject.

CA Poppy said...

I think "Baby Heads" are a perfect dessert for the meal after the blessing.Please do a tutorial. Also if I were there there I would plant you tomatoes.