Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blog time

I have a question for my blog friends - How do you make time to blog? I have so much fun catching up on all the fabulous blogs I have found (thanks to Google Reader it's easy) that I forget to post on my own blog... I keep adding new blogs to my reader list - I fear soon I will have millions of posts to check. Since I want my blog to be a family record I believe I do need to post occasionally. Give me your wisdom oh blog babes!


Bonnie said...

For me it is usually very early in the am. As you know we get up early and then I just stay up and catch up on the blogs. I just love the connectedness I feel when blogging with my family and friends and enjoy the creative aspect of it. It has helped me organize my thoughts, feeling, and photos while keeping in touch with the kids. I like it better than e-mail because people only read it if they want to~and it is all stored in one place.

Mostly I just love to hear what is going on in the minds of my favorite people and keeping in touch.

Also it is much more likely that I will check blogs then actually call~20 something years in a surgery office killed me on the phoning.

And last but not least, it helps me feel like I am actually keeping a commandment and recording life events, thoughts, musings, etc. in my cyber journal and I plan to have mine printed at the end of one year.

Tammy said...

I am blog lurking... so sorry... But, I usually blog about pictures, as I like pictures on other blogs the best, I feel it would be hypocritical if I didn't post pictures myself. So when I upload pictures to the computer I pick out the ones for the blog and then sit down then and write. If I do it all at the same time I don't end up with masses of cute pictures and no idea what was happening. And though it doesn't help you really, I mostly blog during Sophie's nap time.

Vanessa said...

You look so great Lanette! Kudos for all your hard work. Great to hear about the engagement. The family looks great.
Cathy (Nielsen)

Cathy said...

I have to set aside "blogging" time when my kids aren't home or they feel neglected. I've learned the hard way. You know you blog too much when your family has a "sit down" with you about it. I set aside a specific date/time each week. Bonnie is right - it's journaling.

Anonymous said...

I too struggle with time. Usually, I blog at night. I post mine first and then I read. Good luck! This thing is addicting. ;) I posted about it today on my blog as well.