Sunday, September 26, 2010


This boy is so much fun!

Here is the before - with braces. The orthodontist showed him the before pictures of he teeth and he asked me, "Mom, how could you let me walk around like that?"
And the after - braces gone - teeth straight!! He's had a carmel apple and corn on the cob - life is good.
Don't you love that he still has freckles?
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Sweet Toddlers

Time keeps slipping away...
The joy of twins! Grandpa decided to share his lemon popcycle - J.D. and Holly bring new meaning to the word sharing.

They are so much fun - the world is new and exciting.
Their personalities are shining through, it's so fun that they have a pal to grow up with! -
Being a grandmother is more fun than I could have imagined.
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